TTS Italia is the Italian ITS Association founded with the aim to promote the development and deployment of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) in Italy. N°7 October 2010
This month focus on

Training day on "AVM systems for collective transport: from acquisition to management"
TTS Italia is organizing in collaboration with ANM (Naples) and Tiemme (Siena) - TTS Italia ordinary members - and MemEx (Livorno) a training day on "AVM systems for collective transport: from acquisition to management". The following agencies for transport are giving their support: ATAF (Florence), ATL (Livorno), ATR (Forlì), SITA (Florence) and SRM (Bologna).
The aim of the course is to offer a realistic and detailed vision of the process leading to feasibility, purchase, implementation and management of AVM systems for the monitoring and regulation of public transport fleets, support to exercise, information to users and final balance of the supplied service.
The training day will be held in Florence on the 10th of November 2010 and it will be divided in four sessions:
- Why should an agency for public transport invest in AVM systems and feasibility
- Tender specifications to acquire an AVM System
- Italian best practices (Naples, Livorno, Siena, Florence, Forlì)
- Questions & Discussion

This month focus on
TTS in action
News of the month
Product of the month
Save the date
ITS relevant tenders in Italy


TTS in action


In October the 5° edition of Mobilitytech
It was held on 18 and 19 October the 5th edition of Mobilitytech, the international Forum on technological innovation for the development of mobility and transport. Especially, the second day, whose subject is "New frontiers of technology for mobility: ITS, NFC and e-ticketing", has been organized in collaboration with TTS Italia, Club International and Club Italia. The first session has been moderated by Carla Messina from the Italian Ministry for Transport and Infrastructure, TTS Italia founding member. Elsag Datamat, Siemens and Tiemme Toscana Mobilità, TTS Italia ordinary members, participated among others.
For further information, click here
For the program, click here
For the detailed program of the session organized in collaboration with TTS Italia, click here

Meeting between TTS Italia and the organizers of the Shanghai International Exhibition
It was held on the 6 of October, at TTS Italia office in Rome, the meeting with the Chinese delegation in representation of the Shanghai International Exhibition, responsible for the organization of the ITS event in Shanghai. The meeting, to which Atac and Mizar, TTS Italia founding members participated, has been the occasion to discuss the 2011 edition of the ITS event in Shanghai and to evaluate the organization of an Italian-Chinese session so that Italian and Chinese ITS companies might meet and introduce their products.

Work Groups meeting in TTS Italia
On the 16 and 23 of September 2010, the Work Groups within the Technical Scientific Committee of TTS Italia met to discuss their work so far.
On the 16, met coordinators and participants of the WP2 – continuity of ITS services for the management of traffic and goods, coordinated by Telespazio, and of WP3 – ITS and safety, coordinated by Magneti Marelli. On the second day, there were the meetings of WP1 - criteria for efficiency and effectiveness for road transport and the integration of the information on traffic, coordinated by Elsag Datamat; WP4 - integration vehicle-infrastructure, coordinated by Atac and WP5 – ARTIST, coordinated by the Italian Ministry of Transport and Infrastructures with the support of Politecnico of Turin.

News of the month


Elsag Datamat and Solari Udine won tender for contactless ticketing
Elsag Datamat and Solari Udine, TTS Italia ordinary members, won in temporary association the tender from Gruppo Torinese Trasporti S.p.A. for the supply of a ontacless ticketing system. The final value of the tender is 11 680 520 Euro.
Source: TTS Italia

Mizar and traffic monitoring in the Netherlands
Mizar Automazione SpA, TTS Italia founding member, pioneer in Italy for infomobility contents and services based on European standards TMC and DATEX, is partner of the Dutch consortium D4T (Data for Traffic), who won the national tender for the traffic monitoring service in the North of the Netherlands (nearly. 1/3 of the total network). 5,5 M euro is the value of the tender published on the last summer by NDW (National DataWareHouse), Agency of the Dutch Minister for Transport. Nearly 3,2 M€ of the tender are apanage of SWARCO, the multinational group of which Mizar is part. With the installation of 1200 vehicles detection stations and through Bluetooth vehicle detection, along with 2500 sensors Passive IR, D4T will assure, until 2013, real time measures of travel time and classified flows on urban and extra urban roads with very strict requirements for data quality.
The system is based on the suite software MISTIC by Mizar that, through the data exchange module Datex2, guarantees the total compatibility with the infomobility services generated by NDW Agency customers. 
  Source: Mizar Automazione

Mizar Automazione in Latina
Mizar Automazione S.p.A., a company of the SWARCO Group and TTS Italia founding member, has recently won a competitive tender for the management and maintenance of the traffic signals in the town of Latina, in the Lazio Region, south of Rome. The 4-year contract involves the physical maintenance of the traffic lights and renewal of the equipment as well as the centralisation of the control system through MIZAR’s proprietary platform OMNIA. This will allow Latina to benefit from the latest technologies available from the SWARCO Group. Mizar’s success in this specific sector of traffic light maintenance underlines once again the continuous evolution of the company which has brought about the possibility of introducing SWARCO products to Italy.
Source: Mizar Automazione

Octo Telematics receives prize fromFrost & Sullivan
Octo Telematics, TTS Italia ordinary member, won Frost & Sullivan prize for the Growth Leadership, awarded to the company with a compound growth in its three last years of activity. Octo Telematics, has been able to increase its market penetration and share through its efficient growth strategies. The company’s ability to offer UBI based on various algorithms and its capability to balance different regional markets by strategically positioning its services has helped it to remain as a market leader over a period of 3 years with about over 1 million customers (cumulative since 2004).
Source: ERTICO

Powersoft Srl wins tender for management system of fireproof fleets
Powersoft S.r.l, TTS Italia ordinary member, won the tender from Sardinia Region for a four year service of localization, monitoring, and management of fireproof fleets. The tender includes the supply and installation of on-board devices on 300 vehicles as well as the allocation of monitoring services through web. Powersoft won the tender as leader of the temporary group formed with Almaviva TSF.
Source: Powersoft

Prize in Wien for Mizar for the Best Performing Company
TTS Italia founding member, Mizar Automazione S.p.A., Italian society part of the multinational group SWARCO AG (more than 40 companies all over the world and a major presence in Germany), on the last 16 September received in Wien a prize from the executive board of the group: the AWARD 2010 as Best Performing Company in 2007-2009 with the higher growth rate among all the companies of the group. MIZAR won the prize with a growth of 32% in revenues and of 58% in profits.
Source: Mizar Automazione

SMART innovations for IT and Transport
It was held on the 13 of October, in Genoa, the event "SMART innovation for ICT and Transport: European opportunities for SME". The event addressed to SME working in the field of transport and ICT applications; companies associations; consultants; Universities and research centers. It was organized within the SMART European project by its partners Elsag Datamat Spa, TTS Italia ordinary member, and CiaoTech Srl (PNO Group B.V.) with the collaboration of the technological district SIIT (Region of Liguria) in the sector of the Integrated Intelligent Systems. The European project SMART offers free support and services to organizations interested in participating to the 7° Framework Programme, Surface Transport. A "project idea Competition" is going on: the three best project ideas will receive free consultancy untill the submission of the proposal to the Commission.
For further information on SMART, click here
Source: CiaoTech

Stadium project: transport management for big events
Stadium is a European Union funded project, part of the Seventh Framework Programme. It started in May 2009 and involves 17 partners from Europe, among which there are Atac and Mizar, TTS Italia founding members; Pluservice and Thetis, TTS Italia ordinary members. The project aims at better performances of services and transport systems during big events and includes demonstrations of ITS applications in three important events: Soccer World Cup in South Africa (2010), Commonwealth Games in India (2010) and Olympics Games in London (2012). Monica Giannini, from Pluservice, and Maurizio Tomassini from Isis, another partner of the project, explain Stadium in details: click here
Source: ITS International

Wi-move project: in Rome the final Workshop
It was held on the 29 of September, in Rome, the final Workshop of Wi-move, one of the project on mobility and info-communication financed in 2008 within the ELISA Programme by the Department for the Regional Affairs of the Prime Minister’s Office. The project involved the municipality of Rome, Genoa, Cagliari and Parma as well as the provinces of Florence and Imperia. Its aim has been to create free infomobility and logistics services for citizens and tourists to access on a metropolitan wireless network. Thanks to the project, users have the chance to plan their trip, choose the best mean to move and be informed on touristic services through laptop or smartphone. In addition to the activities realized in Rome in collaboration with Atac, TTS Italia founding member, the municipality of Rome coordinated the general and common phases of the project, as studies and researches on technologies for infomobility, in collaboration with the University of Rome La Sapienza.
For further information on the project, click here


Product of the month


AUTOSTOP HD: Red-light and speed enforcement camera
Autostop HD is a device with multiple functions: detection of red light running; speed infraction and improper use of lane in the proximity of a stop light. The camera captures two pictures for each violation. Clear identifiable pictures of the offending vehicle (even a scooter in the third lane) are taken, showing the status of the traffic lights on crossing the stop line (or before it, in the USA version) and in the center of the junction.

For further information, click here
For contacts:

Save the date


Seminar "The evolution of on-call services"
November 2010, Rome
Further information will be soon available on TTS Italia web site and on Federmobilità web site

Training day on "SAE systems for collective transport: from acquisition to management"
10 November 2010, Florence
For further information click here

11-12 November 2010, Turin
For further information click here

10th International Conference on Transport Systems Telematics
20-23 October 2010, Katowice-Ustron, Poland
For further information click here

17 ITS World Congress
25-29 October 2010, Pusan, South Korea
For further information click here

Road Expo Scotland 2010
3-4 November 2010, Edinburgh, Scotland
For further information click here

Intelligent Transport Systems Telecommunication 2010
9-11 November 2010, Kyoto, Japan
For further information click here

6th UITP Asia Pacific Congress and 3rd International Conference on Public Transport Financing
15-19 November 2010, Hong Kong, China
For further information click here

ITS relevant tenders in Italy

I-Bolzano: Color Monitors
I-Foggia: Automated parking systems
I-Preone: Videosurveillance system


388, Flaminia street 00196 Rome
Ph. +39 06 322 7737
Fax +39 06 323 0993

Editor: Olga Landolfi

Editorial staff: Leonardo Domanico, Laura Franchi

Graphic project: Inarea

" TTS Italia informa che il trattamento dei dati avviene nel rispetto della legge 196/2003, testo unico sulla privacy."