TTS Italia is the Italian ITS Association founded with the aim to promote the development and deployment of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) in Italy.

N° 10 November/December 2015




TTS Italia wishes you a


Merry Christmas and a Happy 2016!




This month focus on...




Together to compete and win the challenge of the connected vehicle and of the smart mobility. This is the message from the meeting between Italian and French companies working in the transport and mobility sector held in Rome on the 2nd of December and organised by TTS Italia and Business France. French companies arrived in Rome coordinated by the two most active French cluster in the technologies for transport and mobility: Mov'eo e iD4Car.

"The sector of intelligent transport – the economic adviser of the French Embassy, Martin Landais has said – is an excellence in France and it represents an annual market between 5 and 6,5 billion Euro with 45 thousand employees of the private sector; and between 500 and 1000 active companies." To have a clearer overview of the French situation, just think that the ITS sector represents the 0,3% of the French GNP, the 3% on average of the revenues of the big groups is linked to this sector, and more than half of the activities look at the international market. "There is today a real politic will, in France, - Landais has added – to encourage and support the ITS development. I want to mention the pilot project SCOOP@F with the aim to improve the traffic management and supply real time information on traffic to vehicles. This technology should be enlarged at national level in 2017".

"Ile de France is a model for the Italy– Olga Landolfi, the Secretary General of TTS Italia, said – and the best practice exchange is really important". Landolfi put the attention on the European normative for the sector and on the "importance to implement the ITS National plans that all Member States have presented to the European Commission." TTS Italia has estimated that the full implementation of the Italian ITS Action Plan, approved in February 2014, could increase the capacity of the existing infrastructure up to 10%; double the Italian ITS revenues within 5 years; increase the number of high specialised employees and improve the quality life thanks to the pollution reduction, to a better transport efficiency and a higher safety.

The session on the connected vehicle has been opened by Silvia Salemi, in charge of the Targa Telematics marketing. She reminded that "in 2020 nearly 250 million of vehicles will be connected and the selling of connected cars will triple offering new market opportunities". Targa Telematics is active in the car sharing, fleet management, diagnostics, eCall and telematics insurance. Magneti Marelli, represented by Sebastien Hémard, has been part of the French delegation according to its multinational status. Among the main trends identified for the car of the future, the big electronics brand is following the "car integration" through connected displays, black boxes and the integration car-smartphone.

The mobility for people and safety have been the focus of the second session, opened by Almaviva, Italian leader of the ICT and specialised in the ICT for transports and logistics. Stefania Di Serio and Francesco Barbieri have presented the cloud platform Giotto, realised to develop new IoT (Internet of Things) projects in a simple and safe manner and launched in November 2015.

Thetis, a venetian company, represented by Audrey Benassi, has showed its logistics solutions for the local public transport. Especially, eBus, a suite able to improve the bus infomobility, diagnostics, videosurveillance and light traffic priority management. In this session, also ACI, represented by Nuccia Fedel, has presented an important European project carried out: the ITS Observatory ( aimed at collecting all the available information at European level on ITS: who is carrying out what, impacts and benefits, best practices, rules and standards. The last Italian company to speak has been Lem Reply, part of the Group Reply, dealing with consulting, system integration and application management for mobility and logistics. Simone Gragnani showed all the activities carried out in the ITS sector. The French Emitech, represented by Ali Tachattahte talked about its experience in the test field and in certification.

Mov'eo has closed the session: the cluster groups companies and research centres both public and private, located in the regions of Ile de France and Normandy. "It works in the field of R&D for cars and intelligent transport – Marie Eldin has explained, while presenting two of their projects: "Ma Micro Planette and Co-Drive", realised in the sector of the smart (meaning connected, multimodal and technological) and sustainable (meaning electric and with a low environmental impact) mobility.

The final session on logistics have been opened by UIRNet represented by Leonardo Domanico from TTS Italia. UIRNet is the only subject authorised by the Italian Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport to realise the Italian Logistics Platform. The following projects have been presented: the management of the truck parking area in Catania Bicocca, for the monitoring of the dangerous goods transport by road; the release of the ITS architecture for dangerous goods; the implementation of the Port Community System in Taranto. Finally, also ID4Car has presented its activities. It's a cluster active since 2005 in the North West of France, Loire and Britain, an area where there are 235 research laboratories for the mobility services. "Since its creation, the cluster has followed 180 projects and 4 international missions a year - Isabelle Dussutour has said – We follow the client from the idea to the project, supporting him in the setting up, financing and launch on the market. The 4 specialisation sector of ID4CAR are automation, special vehicles, agriculture machineries and intelligent mobility."

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This month focus on…
Member of the month
News of the month from TTS Italia partners
TTS in action
Save the date
ITS relevant tenders in Italy

Sent to 5.553 Members

Member of the month


Following recent analysis, By 2020 a quarter billion cars will be connected vehicles on the road worldwide"
The connected vehicles will use services such as fleet management, security and smart mobility.
Sensors and instruments enable much more data to be captured about vehicles, drivers, situations.   But that capturing information is not enough.  You have to secure it, you have to make sure you don't miss information, and you have to use that information to do new things.
Otherwise if you are missing some critical information or are overwhelmed by useless data you could take bad decisions.
In this scenario Targa Telematics with its distinctive experience and competence is one of the most innovative and skilled company to partner with.
Its Internet of cars' services are targeted to rental cars, car manufacturers and insurance companies.
Targa Telematics offers high added value fleet management solutions to help monitor and reduce operating costs, increase vehicle efficiency, manage the ordinary and extraordinary maintenance, ensuring the safety of the vehicle and the driver.
Targa Telematics also provides innovative car sharing platform, completely integrated with companies own recognition systems that allows efficient use of shared fleets both in the B2B market and in the B2C market.
Our R&D team adopts agile development approach, easy integration design with the main goal to offer continuous value for our customers.
Targa Telematics offers fully integrated services even with third party hardware and software infrastructure. It is best suited even the most complex projects requiring the integration with telematics and optimized services delivery.
Targa Telematics is part of a corporate group (Elda group) focused on LBS development since the '80s.
In the 90's Navteq partner for implementing the italian map database for navigation systems.
At the end of 90's develops the first fleet management system for police and army forces in Italy (Divitech).
In the 2000's strengthens the technology and expertise of web cartographic systems and satellite tracking with the foundation of the Group Innovation Development Centre (UbiEst).
In 2005 with the acquisition of Targa Infomobility by FIAT became the skills and telematic services' reference for the " automotive" market.
In 2009 made the joint venture with the multinational Topcon Positioning Systems (Tierra ) for the provision of telematics services to the market of agricultural and construction.
In 2015 the new company brand Targa Telematics.


  • Which industry are you targeting and in which market?
    Short and long term rental car, automobile companies, rental construction machinery, transport of people and goods, utility and multi -utility , facility management . We operate mainly in Italy. At European level we have significant projects in Spain, Poland and France , our goal is to increase our market share on international base.

  • What is your company trend?
    In the last two years we have maintained a CAGR (compound annual growth rate) by 60 % which we expect to confirm for 2016.

  • What are the most significant numbers of the amount "Connected Vehicles"?
    We manage about 120.000 assets on the European roads, 2.200 customers in Europe.


Targa Telematics Carsharing platform is aimed at enterprises, municipalities willing to optimise mobility and reduce CO2 emissions, as well as car rental companies looking to introduce new business models.

The modular platform enables customers to configure and use components to suite their business needs.

A website and mobile application give access to service registration, vehicle locator, booking management, customer accounts and billing information.

For contacts: Silvia Salemi -

News of the month from TTS Italia partners


ACI at the 70° Conference on Traffic: new traffic laws are required
New traffic laws are required are those existing are less and less respected even by local Administrations. This is what ACI, TTS Italia founding member, has stated during the 70° Conference on Traffic. The number of fees issued for road laws violation as well as a stop in the decrease of the number of the road victims attest a lack of interest from drivers for the laws regulating traffic and mobility. In addition, also local Administration do not use the money from fees to improve mobility and road safety. According to Angelo Sticchi Damiani, the President of ACI, it is important to introduce severe measures for those Administration investing revenues in other sectors. ACI underlines the need for new road laws: easier, clearer especially for road users. Also, a better coordination at local level is required for a better use of the limited resources. The conference has also highlighted the Italian best practices such as Emilia Romagna, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Lombardia, Piemonte and Veneto. The main part of resources has to be used for improving road safety especially in urban areas and especially for pedestrians, cyclists, weak users. According to ACI a higher level of training is also needed: the new road laws should include training course for young drivers for example.
Source: ACI

ACI-Istat: a stop in the road victims decrease
According to the last report from ACI, TTS Italia founding member, and ISTAT, the decrease in the number of road victims has stopped: in 2014, in the big cities the number of victims has increased of 5,4%. The President of ACI, Angelo Sticchi Damian, has underlined the urgency to invest at least the 50% of the revenues from fees to improve road safety: cycling routes, pedestrian crossings well visible and modern, effective roundabouts. Among the main causes for road accidents in extra-urban areas there are: distraction (21,4%), high speed (17,3%), not adequate safety distances between vehicles (13,4%). In urban areas, the main cause for accidents is the red light violation (18,6%) followed by distraction (15,4%) and high speed (9,2%). The highest index of mortality is in: Messina and Catania while the lowest are in Bari, Milan and Genova. Also the number of victims among pedestrians is increasing: +8,8% compared to 2013. The number of bike drivers killed is decreasing: -4,3% compared to 2013. To be underlined, the experimentally calculation of serious injuries in compliance with UE Commission directives: in 2014, the serious injuries have been around 15.000, a 16% increase compared to 2013.

An Observatory for ITS knowledge and deployment
The Automobile Club d'Italia, TTS Italia founding member, is strongly engaged in the ITS Observatory, a 2-year Support Action within the frame of "Horizon 2020". This engagement is in line with ACI's statutory tasks to study motoring-related issues, advance proposals and give advice to promote and develop motoring, to monitor mobility sectors and spread a culture of sustainable, green and safe mobility. The project will also provide an opportunity to cooperate with the relevant authorities in developing and organising the mobility of people and goods as well as improving the road network and road assistance services.
Do you know how much CO2 saving can be achieved with a specific type of intelligent transport system (ITS)? Do you know who are the suppliers of the most effective ITS solutions? Do you know which are the latest trends in ITS, and where you can see them deployed? Do the decision-makers in your town/country know which ITS systems and services they should invest in to improve the lives of their citizens? If you answered "no" to at least one of these questions, then the European ITS Observatory is probably what you have been looking for.
Even though intelligent mobility technologies have been around for more than 20 years, there is not yet sufficient evidence of their effectiveness and benefits. There is still uncertainty that they can effectively meet citizens' needs. As a result, many deployment projects "reinvent the ITS wheel" instead of re-using proven solutions. The ITS Observatory project aims to bridge this knowledge deficit through its innovative software tools for gathering, processing and delivering insights for ITS stakeholders.
The ITS Observatory will alleviate gaps and fragmentation in the European ITS landscape. It is designed to provide decision-makers and related stakeholders with access to reliable and comprehensive information on outcomes (benefits and impacts) of existing and ongoing ITS deployment. It will also support the development of fact-based policy objectives and strategies.
The main objectives are the following:
1. To bridge knowledge fragmentation across Europe by creating a common EU-wide database for ITS
2. To support ITS deployment by creating an intelligent software platform, comparing results of research, pilots, deployment projects
3. To create a user-friendly decision support tool for fact-based policy making
The ITS Observatory will be a one-stop resource on ITS in Europe. The Observatory software will be designed around user stories from people who can tell about the lessons learned, benefits achieved and – yes – what went wrong or didn't meet expectations in real-life ITS implementations.
All public administrations, private companies, researchers…all those interested in helping to solve mobility problems through ITS are more than welcome to let us know what kind of information or assessment results they would like to find in the Observatory. To help building and shaping the Observatory according to your needs, please fill in the online questionnaire within 15 December 2015 (10 minutes requires):
For any further information:   –  Nuccia Fedel –
Source: ACI

Drive2Go: a certificate of merit from the Ministry of the Environment
Drive2Go, TTS Italia ordinary member, during the closing ceremonies of the Milan Expo has received the certificate of merit with which the Ministry of the Environment has decided to reward the commitment and enthusiasm that Drive2go devotes daily in making innovative technologies for sustainable mobility and for the attention devoted to each of its customers. In particular, the award went to the solutions regarding the influence on driving style (DST). Drive2Go, right with the DST project, was selected among 24 innovative Start Ups to represent the Italian innovation at the Expo in Milan.
Source: Drive2Go

Indra to renew Costa Rica´s air traffic system for 12 Million Dollars
Indra, TTS Italia ordinary member, will deploy state-of-the-art technology to upgrade Costa Rica's Air Traffic Control Center and control tower systems in three international airports
The company will install a new station equipped with primary and secondary radar, and incorporating the latest generation of digital reception technology
The center in San José will be the first in the world to adopt a Level 3 NAM system, which will improve its coordination with other COCESNA control centers
Indra has signed a contract with the Central American Corporation for Air Navigation Services (COCESNA) to renew the air traffic management systems in the San José Air Control Center and the main international airports in Costa Rica for 12 million dollars.
The company will upgrade the systems in the center for the coordination of air traffic in Costa Rica and the towers that manage the approach and landing maneuvers in the international airports of Juan Santamaría –the most important, serving the city of San José; that of Daniel Oduber Quirós, in Liberia; and that of Tobías Bolaños Palma, which also serves the capital. Indra is one of the leading suppliers of air traffic management systems in the world, and has installed its systems in over 4,000 facilities and 160 countries.
The San José Center will also incorporate Garex 300 advanced voice communication systems –part of Indra's family of IP communication systems–, and Neptune voice recorders. The multinational has agreed with COCESNA to equip this center with an advanced system that complies with the Level 3 NAM protocol, the most advanced means of streamlining coordination between control centers when transferring the responsibility for the management of a flight. Costa Rica will be the first country in the world with technology incorporating this protocol.
Another of the improvements Indra will be making in these facilities will be to adapt their systems to give them the capacity to process and display meteorological data supplied by Multimeteo radars. It will also install a flight information and air traffic management system (ATFM/AIM) to monitor and optimize the management of traffic throughout the country's airport network.
The company will also implement a station in San José equipped with one latest generation primary and another secondary radar to reinforce the control and security of aircraft movements in Costa Rican airspace. The secondary radar has the capacity for digital signal reception, and features an ADS-B receiver to improve its performance. This header will offer the maximum capacity for detecting and identifying aircraft, and will help increase the volume of traffic the country can absorb.
Indra is one of the main suppliers of radar systems to countries all over the world. In 2014, Indra's primary surveillance radars were top sellers outside the US, while Indra's mode S secondary radars –incorporating the most advanced aircraft identification technology– are currently operating in 175 facilities all over the planet. These systems today cover air-traffic surveillance in 60% of Chinese airspace, practically all the skies over India and 90% of the skies over Ecuador, among others.
This new contract in Costa Rica reinforces Indra's solid relationship as a technology provider for the Central American Corporation for Air Navigation Services (COCESNA). Currently all the higher air space in Central America managed by this organization is coordinated with Indra technology. The member countries of the Corporation have also chosen the company's technology to upgrade their infrastructures. In the rest of Latin America, Indra has supplied systems to countries such as Bahamas, Colombia, Ecuador, Argentina, Chile, Peru, Uruguay, Paraguay and Brazil, and is one of the leading providers of this technology.
Source: Indra

Kapsch to deliver traffic management project in Prague
Kapsch, TTS Italia ordinary member, has announced that its subsidiary Kapsch TrafficCom Construction & Realization spol. s r.o. has been awarded a new contract for collecting and evaluating traffic data in Prague. The contract value is around 6.5 million Euro and will for the most part be realized until the end of 2015. Together with its consortium partner Camea and several local subcontractors Kapsch will be the prime contractor and system integrator. As part of the new contract Kapsch will supply a traffic management system (TMS) extension in selected areas of Prague – based on intelligent traffic cameras equipped with additional sensors, as well as the supply of V2X (Vehicle-to-Vehicle and Vehicle-to-Infrastructure) transceivers and in-vehicle platforms.
The system will enable the collection of traffic information – such as the measuring of vehicle traffic intensity, vehicle classification, vehicle speed measurement – and the linear calculation of travel time. Based on video detection, the system will detect traffic jams, standing vehicles or blocked crossroads. The new technologies will be integrated into HDRU (the central city control system in Prague). Traffic information will be transmitted in the format DATEX II – a standard developed for information exchange between traffic management centers. Images from the cameras will be accessible to the operators of HDRU and to the integrated emergency system in Prague. Other integral parts of the project include a software which calculates traffic levels, applications for operators (configuration of traffic scenarios) as well as a cooperative intelligent transportation system (C-ITS) for the communication between vehicles and infrastructure. Therefore, Kapsch will deliver 21 units of the 5.9 GHz transceiver MTX-9450 placed on roadside equipment in selected locations, and two pieces of the in-vehicle unit EVK-3300 which is a versatile V2X evaluation platform. Roadside units will measure basic operational information and traffic status in a defined part of the territory, and will inform on the individual phases and timing of traffic lights in the area.
"This project is an important step towards more integrated and intelligent traffic solutions in the Czech Republic. It will have a positive influence on today's traffic and the potential to grow with upcoming car technologies," says Karel Feix, CEO Kapsch in the Czech Republic. "Our goal is to develop integrated traffic management solutions to achieve better overall mobility, whether on the highway or in the city. Prague is an exciting project as it is investing in its future to ensure it is ready for the installation of V2X communication systems in all cars," adds André F. Laux, Chief Operating Officer, Kapsch TrafficCom.
Source: Kapsch

Kiunsys: one of the biggest equity crowdfunding operation in Italy
Kiunsys, TTS Italia ordinary member, has closed the most substantial round of equity crowdfunding achieved so far in Italy thanks to the collaboration with the platform Starsup, among the first portals authorized by Consob to the online collection of venture capital by innovative start-ups.
Kiunsys is emerging in the Smart Urban Mobility, Smart Parking and city logistics markets. Nowadays, Kiunsys' solutions are used at full capacity by more than 25 Italian municipalities (including Naples, Pisa, Florence, Forlì, Verona, Mantua, etc.) and serve a population of over 4 million citizens. The capital increase for Kiunsys marks the start of a new growth path: the injection of capital will support both the Italian market consolidation and the start of internationalization activities.
Source: Kiunsys

La Semaforica wins tender in Siracusa
La Semaforica, TTS Italia ordinary member, has won the tender issued by the Municipality of Siracusa to supply LED lamps to substitute the actual traffic lights. The tender includes a full service for at least two years.
Source: TTS Italia

Project Automation wins tender for air quality control
Project Automation, TTS Italia ordinary member, has won the tender issued by ARPA Piemonte (the regional agency for the Environmental protection) for the two-years of ordinary maintenance of the network for the air quality control in the Piemonte region.
Source: TTS Italia


TTS in action


Italy-China meeting: the Italian best practices for the traffic and mobility management - December 2015 - Rome
On the 9th of December, at its headquarter, TTS Italia, in collaboration with the Chinese Embassy of Rome, has organised an Italy-China meeting on some of Italian best practices for the traffic and mobility management.
As well known, the mobility situation in Chinese cities is particularly serious. Pollution levels in some cases have exceeded all limits and therefore the Chinese authorities are putting the issue of Green Mobility among the priorities of the country.
TTS Italia has established a close cooperation both with ITS China and with ITS Shenzhen. Just on the advice of ITS China, TTS Italia has been contacted by the Chinese Embassy in Rome to host a delegation of officials active in the area of mobility of the city of Beijing, accompanied by the Chinese Foreign Ministry, in order to know ITS applications developed in Italy for urban mobility and road safety and the related benefits obtained. The goal of the meeting was twofold: both mutual knowledge and the strengthening of relations between Italy and China in the field of ITS and the creation of interesting new partnerships, also considering the existing relationships at the institutional level between the two countries .
The event was exclusively open for TTS Italia members and the following members took part as speaker: ACI, Almaviva, 5T and Roma Servizi per la Mobilità.
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3° Territorial Workshop "South Italy and smart mobility: opportunities and solutions for the local administrations" – 11 November 2015 - Naples
It was held on the 11th of November, in Naples, the third territorial Workshop on "South Italy and smart mobility: opportunities and solutions for the local administrations", organised by TTS Italia in collaboration with the City of Naples, member of the Platform for Local Authorities of TTS Italia.
The participation at the previous Workshops in Bari and Reggio Calabria has been very high and active: there has been a strong participation from Local Entities and the interaction between demand/supply has been concrete and real.
Also in Naples, the event has been the occasion for a overview on models and smart mobility solutions in the South Italy starting from the experience of the metropolitan area of Naples. Also, the future development of the sector has been discussed considering the financing opportunities represented by the National Programme 2014-2020.

The Workshop has been organised with the support of

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TTS Italia at the 12° Conference ASSTRA on public transport
It was held in Cagliari, on the 12 an d13 November, the 12° Conference organised by ASSTRA on the local public transport. TTS Italia, represented by the President Rossella Panero, took part at the round table organised within the session "Technological innovation: what is the border between privacy and safety?".
Among the sponsors of the event, there were MAIOR and Pluservice, TTS Italia ordinary members.

TTS Italia at the Workshop of the Project PTA-DESTINATION
TTS Italia, represented by the President Rossella Panero, took part at the Workshop "The risk of the dangerous goods transport. To know it and to manage it", realised within the project PTA-DESTINATION. Shared crossborders routes", held in Turin on the 23rd of November.
PTA – DESTINATION was born from the fusion of two previous projects: PTA (Technological Alpine Platform) and DESTINATION (DangErous tranSport To New prevenTive Instruments), and it aims at valorising a crossborders platform integrated with data and sevices for the support of environment, work, tourism, dangerous goods transport. The Workshop was the occasion to present the Apps and tools developed within the PTA-DESTINATION project to monitor and evaluate/manage the risks related to the dangerous goods transport.


Save the date


8° Space Conference
12 - 13 January 2016, Brussels, Belgium
For further information,

European Automotive Forum
14 January 2016, Brussels, Belgium
For further information, click here


ITS relevant tenders in Italy


For all the relevant tenders, click here

Italy-Rome: Video surveillance systems
Italy-Sala Consilina: parking area managing services

388, Flaminia street 00196 Rome
Ph. +39 06 322 7737
Fax +39 06 323 0993

Editor: Olga Landolfi

Editorial staff: Leonardo Domanico, Laura Franchi

Graphic project: Inarea

" TTS Italia informa che il trattamento dei dati avviene nel rispetto della legge 196/2003, testo unico sulla privacy."